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o - Devil's Dictionary definition
the Lord of Law on the Throne of Thought, A gilded impostor is he.
Of shreds and patches his robes are wrought,
His crown is brass,
Himself an ass,
And his power is fiddle-dee-dee.
Prankily, crankily prating of naught,
Silly old quilly old Monarch of Thought.
Public opinion's camp-follower he,
Thundering, blundering, plundering free.
Respected contemporaree!
J.H. Bumbleshook
o - Devil's Dictionary definition
woe was him! -- with manner chill and grand "Captains of industry" refused his hand,
"Kings of finance" denied him recognition
And "railway magnates" jeered his low condition.
He robbed a bank to make himself respected.
They still rebuffed him, for he was detected.
S.V. Hanipur
o - Devil's Dictionary definition
tell me, ye gods, for the use of my rhyme: For respecting the dead what's the limit of time?
Scopas Brune
o - Devil's Dictionary definition
what's the loud uproar assailing Mine ears without cease?
'Tis the voice of the hopeful, all-hailing
The horrors of peace.
Ah, Peace Universal; they woo it --
Would marry it, too.
If only they knew how to do it
'Twere easy to do.
They're working by night and by day
On their problem, like moles.
Have mercy, O Heaven, I pray,
On their meddlesome souls!
Ro Amil